**Warning: The following post contains pictures of blood!**

I'm sick of people constantly commenting on how much of a girly sport softball is. It's not that girly, it can get quite rough sometimes. Now I realise why it could be portrayed as a girly sport, seeing that it was set up as an indoor version as baseball, but when you play in a game of men's softball it can get quite rough and competitive. The list of injuries that people can get from softball are quite long. Someone in the team a couple of years ago, snapped his foot as he slid into a base. Well what happened is that he snapped the bones that connect his foot and leg, and the only thing that was hanging it together was his skin and some ligaments.

Today I had my first injury of 2007. It wasn't much, just a grazed knee, but it looks pretty impressive if I don't say so myself. Always been a big fun and the whole blood and guts thing. I didn't even realise that it was bleeding until I had been sitting on the bench for a couple of minutes and looked down at the patch in my knee of my softball pants. I noticed a bit of blood trickling out, so I thought I'd better check to see if it was okay, and well I'm pretty sure you can tell by the picture what I found. I pretty much went home to mum and got her to help me clean out the dirt in it, and to put special cream and stuff on it.

But its not all that bad. Keeley felt good that she was able to recognise my pain because she had just recently hurt her thumb. You can just see the mark on her thumb in that picture. So it was comforting to know that there were other people in my situation in the house.

Well I was thinking of doing something tonight, but seeing that I have to keep my knee uncovered, I don't think it would be appropriate to turn up to a club with a scabby knee. Not pretty at all.



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