I've been watching Queen as Folk season 2 lately, and I just watched an episode where they were discussing the pride march and I got me thinking. The pride march happened this year in St Kilda and I didn't attend. I also didn't attend the big carnival to celebrate the ending of Midsumma. As a matter of fact I didn't really do anything for Midsumma, this year or any previous year.

Mardi Gra is also coming up this weekend, another event that I'm not going too. I had someone say to me that I don't participate in enough gay events. Apparently I need to be in more active in things to show my pride. I think that this is just crap. I don't have to walk around wearing a rainbow coloured vest to show that I'm proud of being a gay guy.

I wanna be able to show how proud I am sometimes, but its just hard. For example, walking around on a date with a guy, and watching all the other people on their dates holding hands, made me wanna do it. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to walk around the city, hand in hand. I didn't want to have to put up with people staring and making snide comments.

After that night I was really annoyed. Not because I didn't do it, I just felt like I couldn't do it. I was jealous of all the other couples walking around showing their feelings for one another, and there I was too frightened to do anything.

I may not march in parades or wear rainbow tops, but I've got pride, I just don't want a good night to be ruined by other people's homophobia.


1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    oohhh this blog is so sad!!
    You shouldn't have to worry about what people are thinking. Isn't that what pride is?!?!! Sticking up for what u brlieve in?? Let them stare. People have a habit of staring. My mum has no hair cause she is going through chemo and people stare at her all the time. It breaks my heart when im with her...i just stare back at them until they look away!! :)
    I hope at ur next date u can hold hands and not worry about people :)

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