We are a week into the new year, and well if it keeps going this way, I wanna skip this year already.

During a convo I had with Jo just after New Years, we were saying that however your New Years Eve is spent, is a sign for the year to come. If thats the case, my year is going to be full of working my arse off, and not spending it with friends. So in other words, I'm going to be a loner again this year. I was working at the bar I frequent, wearing a black singlet, silver mask (which I've come to love) and a silver top hat. Lots of fun was had, I was flat out as we were really busy.

I have no news year resolutions this year. Whats the point? We never complete them, and it just sets us up for disappointment in 12 months, so why bother, I'm sure there are many things that are gonna cause that, let alone myself.

2006 was a pretty big year for me. I moved out by myself into St Kilda. I became a hell of a lot more independant. I turned 21. I lost friends. I gained friends. I had a relationship. I got more responsibilities at work. Had my first family member pass away. Got fucked around by guys. Tried to keep a diary. Drank a fair bit of alcohol. Put too much trust in people. Went out of my way to try and keep a friendship, which I don't know helped. Got a new phone. Met new people. Been in debt.

Well lets hope 2007 is better. But as said above, if the last week is any sign.... :(

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Just remember you are the one that is responsible for your life, you are the one that can change it and make it better.You just have to want it bad enough. Very deep but true coming from years of experience of having crappy years after years. I have learnt to do it. Just be strong and in control dont let people walk over you.You make life how you want to live it.

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