Ok, I'll be doing a couple of these... This is the first one. It's the first sentence from the first post of each month!

January: New Year's was massive in the land of Adam Mac...

February: OMG!! There is so many movies to see at the cinemas lately, that I can't keep up!!

March: So I'm a bitch!

April: On Sunday, it was so good...

May: Ok, If you've just jumped on and seen this post, then you may have noticed a slight change in C Grade Personality.

June: Well not that busy, but I'm sure you've gotten the idea...

July: In case you may or may not have noticed, AdamMac has kinda disappeared, what from MSN, blogger and other Internet commitments I have...

August: Ok, I didn't want to do it, I was trying to fight the urges and the temptations, but couldn't resist, I've done it...

September: Well my tongue has anyway!!

October: Yesterday I was having a day with the girls.

November: I hate doing grocery shopping.

December: I have no motivation...


Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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