I'd thought my chipmunks had died. I thought they were dead. Over the last couple of days, I've been border lining on tears due to their lack of existence. But alas, they are working again. I didn't realise that I needed to plug my speakers in for them to work.

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered an option on my media player to speed up songs, so they sound like chipmunks, and being the bored drunk at home, I think I have sped up almost every song in my library*. There are some songs that work well being munk'd, and others that are really, really bad.

After a far bit of experimenting, I've found out some tips for people who are munking for the first time. These are:

  • Majority of songs with more than 2 female vocals singing together, don't really work well together. Mainly because their voices are already high enough, and when you speed it up, you really can't hear the song over all the dogs in your neighborhood barking!
  • Any sort of male ballad works well, for example, Shannol Noll - What about me.
  • Any sort of remix'd version of a song, usually doesn't work well. All you get to hear is a loud thumping through the song and its really really fast, so unless your a real quick dancer, then don't try it.
  • Any song with a loud male screaming is funny at first, but windows break quite easily...
  • Eminem sounds funny after he sounds like his been sucking on helium balloons!
If you can't be bothered experimenting and wanna just hear goods ones, I recommend these:
  • What about me - Shannol Noll
  • Tribute - Tenacious D
  • I don't feel like dancing - Scissor Sisters
  • I put a spell on you - Bette Midler
  • Love Shack - B'52s
  • A Public Affair - Jessica Simpson
I'll also take this opportunity to thank my neighbours for probably having to put up with the noise I'm creating from finding a good one and screaming, and then dancing around my lounge room singing in my best chipmunk voice**.


*Maybe not ever song, I don't have that much free time
** I was drunk at the time, so its okay, I think!

1 Comment:

  1. Paul said...
    Just when you think adams life couldnt get any more sadder, he pulls this out of the wood works.

    Not only am i shocked and afraid that this is how you attain enjoyment, but also that fact that you can openly admit you have Jessica Simpson in your music collection. Tisk tisk tisk...

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