Its getting closer. I'm moving! We got the place in Atlona, and I am stoked!! Haven't been happy about something in a while. I'm looking forward to living in a nice place, with the adorable Meghan B. But there are some things I'm going to miss.

Obviously living by myself I've had heaps of privacy, and the place where I'm living at the moment is ridiculously close to everything. Fifteen minute tram ride to work, walking distance to Commercial Road, and easy driving distance to Chaddy/Southland. They are probably going to be the main things I'm going to miss.

I'm not going to miss my crazy old neighbours, having such a tiny apartment where at times I feel like I can't breathe, the embarrassment of having people over because this place is too small, my current real estate agent, crazy reverse parallel parking spot, noisy traffic, and the list goes on...

I'm hoping to end this week in a big note, so this Saturday I wanna do something big, but I wanna stay away from Commercial Road, need a bit of a break from there. So if anyone has any ideas on what I can do, let me know!



  1. : : Wendz : : said...
    Don't forget your Disco light and your Absolut AdamMac there
    Anonymous said...
    ohhhhh, i cant find anywhere to move to :'( if i cant find somewhere to move and someone to move with, I fear that i will be stuck with this stupid crazy psycho housemate for the resy of my life :'(


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