I'm moving. After my year long stint in the city. I'm going to go live in Altona *fingers crossed*

After a gruelling day of househunting on Thursday, with dodgy places and dodgy real estates, the last place we saw was like a shining beacon of hope. Its near new, and HOT! Both me and Meghan B. fell in love with it when we first saw it.

So applications are being submitted, so fingers crossed we get it.

I was going to go through all the funny things that happened on Thursday, but can't be bothered, so I figured I would just put them in dot points:

  1. Being told by a real estate agent, that the place was 'walking distance'. Clearly some people have different ideas on walking distance. I don't think 20 mins, and over a bridge in hot weather in walking distance, when your wearing jeans, shirt and leather shoes.
  2. Old Spanish ladies trying to promote a hole. Asking Meghan and pointing at me saying 'Boyfriend". I think that its getting a tiring people asking that, and we are running out of ideas to say in return. I'm thinking maybe we could go with the divorced option, or say we are family, twins, married. Lots of options. But just don't ask us when we are drunk, Megsy usually turns around and says, 'Nah, hes a fag!'. Ah! Good memories of Christmas Eve.
  3. Seeing a place that looked like a tip and running away before the appointment, I know shame on us, but we clearly didn't look like people who were going to live in Laverton, no offence to people in Laverton but come on!?!
  4. Playing 'I-Spy' but with a lack of inspiration and saying things like car, grass and tree!
  5. Having Meghan know more than the real estate agents, because she is uber organised, and when they would ask her about a property, she would reply, 'No thank you, the tenants aren't leaving till the 29th and we want to see it today!'.
  6. Having the real estate tell me that the walk to the train station was only 10 minutes away, so it would be fine unless you was wearing heels. Now, for some reason that was directed at me, seeing I was the only one in the room. First of all, do I look like the type of person who would wear heels?? And second of all, if I did wear heels, I don't think I'd be going on public transport, Eve would be better than that!

So yeah, funny stuff... I'll post again tonight, seeing that I haven't done some for a while! So you getting a lot!


  1. Dale said...
    I'm glad you've found a nice new place (that's not in Footscray!) and I hope you get it. I'll even cross my fingers for you for oh, 5 seconds.. Cos I need them to do other stuff. :)
    As far as my experience with I Spy games go, they're nearly always unimaginative. Although that could just be because I was playing lol.
    To the real estate agent who made the comment about the heels, although you won't read this, I think you're hilarious. I would have loved to have seen your reaction Adam. :)
    Hope you don't miss the city or your old place too much.
    Paul said...
    Ow i have a few off the cuff remarks if you need some to respond to the whole boyfriend thing :) *giggles to myself*

    The real estate agent just had your best interests at heart :) and it sounds like she wouldn't need my witty remarks to identify your not the boyfriend. Then again 10 minutes with Adam and who would (SICK BURN).

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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