Over the last couple of days, I keep coming across this white powder. I had no idea what it was. It was starting to appear on my couch, my desk at work, my jeans, keys, wallet, etc. It was basically everywhere, and I had no idea what it was... Well that was until I opened my bag today.

I thought that I was turning into some kinda drug dealer at night, and when I woke up the next morning, I had forgotten about everything. That, or someone was breaking into my house, and doing drugs on my couch, and then as they were snorting this white powder, they coughed so it went everywhere. I know that last one is a bit extreme, in terms of details, and my imagination probably got the better of me, but I've been bored lately and my mind tends to wander.

It was when I opened up my bag today and noticed that the bottom of it was laced in this weird white powder, that I noticed what it was. I had put a tube of sherbet in my bag over the last couple of days, and it had some how burst, causing the sherbet to go everywhere. I can't believe that it took me that long to notice it. Seeing that I take my bag with me everywhere, hence the powder following me around.

As I was a bit excited about finally figuring out what it was, I had to tell people at work, and they kinda gave me weird looks, as if to say, 'Yes, Adam, I'm sure its only sherbet'. Now, surprisingly enough, this isn't the first time a place of work have accused me of drug using/dealing. I didn't/hadn't done drugs then, and can still safely say that I haven't done them since! I only have an addictive personality and hyper attitude, without having to add more to it by using some illegal substance.

After laughing at these accusations, I started to think about all the fun things I could do with a bag of white powder, yes the imagination has been working over time lately. I came up with a couple of things;

  • Going into a supermarket and making sure that they check my bag as I leave, and throwing in the occasional head twitch here and there.
  • Asking people if they can look after my bag for a minute, and then in public ask them to pull something out for me, like a wallet or something and wait for the reaction.
  • Falling over in public and letting my bag open up on the floor, and then trying to cover it up and saying loudly, 'nothing to see here, nothing to see'.
  • Going up to people at work, and whispering quietly if they want some of it.
  • Walking around and continuously stick my finger in my bag and lick the white powder of my finger when people are looking.
As you can see, a bag full of white stuff could be lots of fun, especially if your imagination is getting a work out like mine is at the moment.

Never had so much fun with a bag full of white powder


  1. Anonymous said...
    Do the one where you start twitching that would be really funny!
    Paul said...
    Your imagination is only out weighed by your inability to comprehend society’s willingness to disregard the strange.

    Attempt your social experiments if you must, but don’t expect a dramatic reaction. Society is well equipped to deal with such events; it is amazing how blind we can become when we wish to be.

    Reality is your perception...
    (I was wondering when I would be able to use that)

    Till next we meet,
    princessoctober said...
    ADAM...I laughed so hard. I just finished posting a new entry and saw you stopped while I was working on it. I have to tell you that if you do any of these stunts which I REALLY think you should, you need to take someone with you to video it and post here so we can all watch. I think you should do one with the falling and the bag coming out in a reaaaaaaallllly uppity Botique..LOL
    Dale said...
    Head twitch! Head twitch! Also, try to elicit a comment from Paul that doesn't get all deep and meaningful.. it's almost impossible.
    On another note, I haven't had sherbet for ages. Gimme gimme! I don't care that it's been on the bottom of your bag, I'm sure its clean.. yeah? :P
    Dale said...
    I just realised something! Elicit is a lot like illicit - illicit drugs. Hahaha, my mind is cleverer than I thought.

    Oh and umm.. good post! :)

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