Everyone has their own wishes, and by the way, mine isn't to become a punk rocker with flowers in my hair, I just really like that song! Some of my wishes haven't changed for a long while, and I don't think they will change for a while yet, but that doesn't stop me from making the same wish every birthday, every time I forward on a chain email, every time I see the first star each night. Do you do the same thing?? Has your birthday wish changed in the last couple of years??

I find it to be the same with my New Years resolutions. Every year I have at least two recurring things that I wanted resolved from the last few years. This either shows that I lack imagination and can never think of anything new, or I'm just really lazy and never complete my new year's resolutions. Just between me and you, I think its the latter one.

Is that the same reason why my wishes are the same every year?? Am I not putting enough effort into creating the right situation where they could come true? How much of a wish coming true is contributed to your own input?

My wishes are kinda typical. I think maybe everyone has the same type. I wish for lots of money, long-term relationship, happiness, etc. I kinda alternate between the three all the time. But those common wishes haven't changed in a long time.

Do you have wishes? What are they? World peace? Love? Money? Happiness? How long have you been wishing for the same thing, and when are we gonna realise that they may not come true?


  1. Paul said...
    Celebrations: IM YOUR 300th VISITOR
    ~shan said...
    just a note on why our inds come up with weird dreams: i dont know why i have weird dreams, but the last odd one had was that i was in the food court of some shopping centre, and because i was nice to the lady, she gave me a big bowl of icecream for 20 cents
    princessoctober said...
    Hey adam..the blog I was refering too was one you had a link too awhile back..I just found it odd..its signed trouble in shangri-la. I know its weird to be worried about a stranger but, what can I say some bloggers like you I consider friends.:)
    princessoctober said...
    Wishing for the same thing only means one thing. Its really what you want. Its not a flighty thing of the moment. For me I wish the same thing every birthday. Little by little they are coming true. My brother is coming home from Iraq in one piece. My disorder is sloooooowly becoming more of a medical curiosity...which is good. That means more studies..that means better ways to deal with it. My kids are smart, and funny, and the love of my life.
    I have 2 wishes left that haven't come true. But, everyone needs wishes that are a little out of reach. That is where hope comes from. Without those wishes or that kind of imagination there would be no hope. Whats a person without hope? I never want to meet one.

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