Yesterday I was having a day with the girls. We started being all butch, watching the Grand Final and drinking beer, well I wasn't drinking because I had to drive, and they weren't really drinking beer... Pure Blonde is so not a beer :P Well, we started with good intentions, but then out come the Cleos, Cosmos and Vogues and we started talking about boys, clothes and this fucken hot pair of Dior boots*, and it all went girly from there. Our attempt at being boys kinda failed, with the finishing point being when we cracked out the Sex and the City DVDs.

There were four of us there, three of my best girlfriends and me! So with the four of us there, and watching the four girls on Sex and the City, we talked about which one of the four girls each of us were. Jess was Miranda, Jo was Charlotte and Meghan and myself were a mixture of Carrie and Samantha. Now apparently, I had to be part Samantha, seeing the number of people I have fooled around with. Now I personally don't think it is that many, but the other did, seeing that my number was a little bit bigger than all of theirs...

Now before you get the impression that I'm a big slut, which I'm not, I was actually quite surprised at my number, and mainly because I don't think that it was that many... I haven't had sex with all the people on my list, but have fooled around a bit. Being a gay man, I'm kinda proud of the fact that my number was quite low, compared to most people that I know. For example, I found out that one of my mates on Friday night, was on a goal to get with 10 guys in 10 nights, trying to out do his friend who had done 9!!! I can safely say that I'm nothing like that :P

Now I'm not going to tell you the number, nor am I going to tell you that if I worked it out as an average to since I've been out, I average more than 1 a month. And I'm definitely not going to tell you that my number is more than 20 times that of one of my friends.

In completely un-related news, I've started seeing someone. Well maybe not started, seeing that's its been over a month now, but just thought I should mention it. Its been a while since I've had a relationship, and I still feel a bit new to the whole thing, so that's kinda exciting. I still feel weird about the whole 'boyfriend' word thing. It'll take some getting used to, but I'm sure I will. And yes, this person is aware of my number :P

On the whole boyfriend knowing my number thing, it brought up how many they were on. Needless to say, my boyfriend is new to the whole gay world, his number is quite low, so I felt kinda weird telling him. I felt like when I told him, it made me look like some slut, which I'm completely not, and I thought that he might freak out and run away. But he knows I'm not one, as do all my friends, so it doesn't really bother me! Hell, I've only ever picked up at a club like twice! And that was only kissing them :P

Well I think I may have gone a bit too much into my personal life here, but meh! Whats your number? If you have a partner, do they know your number? Do you know their number?? Are you ashamed of it???

It's only a number

*Ok, so maybe I wouldn't wear them, not yet... I'm just being appreciative of some great designer footwear.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Your not promiscuous your popular! Just remember if anyone calls you a ho just inform them that your popular not a ho!
    Paul said...
    Nope, your just a big fat HO adam who should be working the streets of St Kilda.

    I know your number and still do not judge, case and point.

    Always Mr Popular...

    Till next we meet,
    Anonymous said...
    Ok, So I am going to leave my number. Not that you would really want to know how many I have been with but, you said to do it so here I go (I will let u know who I am but not in here, i do not want certain people knowing).
    I have slept with 6 men. 3 were partners, 2 were fuck friends and the third was a random guy. As far as my current partner is concerned I have only slept with 2 other people, just a bit of "too much information" for you to read adam
    Dale said...
    Hmm.. which grammar mistake to pick out and highlight for everyone to see.. I think I'll go with "Well maybe not started, seeing >that's its< been over a month now." Yes, that one will do nicely. :P
    Anonymous said...
    HELP.what happened to dubious wonder?
    I went to read her blog and its gone except for a post that says goodbye. Do you know anything?

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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