NB: Please be aware that AdamMac is really drunk, and any spelling or grammatical mistakes can be blamed on the alcohol!

I've just got home from celebrating clear test results with Carmella. She just got some stuff done and the results were in and she is fine, so what better way to celebrate than have a few beverages! Ok, so maybe not a few, but a lot :p

When I got there tonight, I was having a good time, I didn't know much people there, except for my mum, which is Carmella, who I'm her adopted son, if that makes sense! I was dancing away with her, having fun, until fat 1 and fat 2 arrived! Now for those who don't know who fat 1 and fat 2 are, ask me later when I'm sober and I'll tell you who they are!

Every time I see fat 1, I either want to cry or vomit! I don't know which, maybe vomit because I can't believe I wasted so much of my life on a fat piece of shit, remember I'm drunk so I can type these things :P But I seriously don't know what it is. Every time I see him, this anger builds up inside of me and I just wanna scream. Now I could scream and get away with it at Diva, hell people may think that I'm singing, and that could be funny, seeing that I don't sing :P

Now I know that he played a big part in my life, but fuck him! I can't stand him, he may have played that big part, but he sure knew how to fuck up my life! I'm not usually a shallow person, but I look at him and think, why? Why would I wanna get with a fat slob like him???

I think I've typed enough about him, hang on... I HATE HIM THE STUPID MOTHER FUCKER!!! OK, now I think I've typed enough :P

Drunk as a Skunk!


  1. Dale said...
    Those feelings of anger and resentment may always be there, but I dont think you should have those extreme reactions anymore. Your life is in a different place, and now hopefully you're surrounded by better people, and have grown as a person. I know I admire who you are today.
    PS: hi adam's mum & happy bday to keeley for yesterday!
    AdamMac said...
    OK, so that post was just a little bit agressive, its true what dale said, I am in a different place now in my life, so thats good!

    Lesson learnt here, never post when drunk!
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