Just saw a thing on Channel Ten's news, and instantly thought I had to blog about it!

They were presenting results from a scientific thing ran in the U.S. comparing guys and girls brains. There were saying that chicks talk almost three times more than men everyday. Now I know that I talk for work, but I talk outside of work, and there a very rare times when I'm not talking. This would explain the huge phone bills, and the fact that I talk too fast. I think I might be talking to fast so I can fit more in, because I don't want to lose time for talking, I might think of something exciting to say.

They also said that a guy's brain uses double the power to think about sex. Now, I know that I'm a guy, but I don't think about it that much. Which is weird, but I just don't think about it as much as other guys do. They were saying that chicks use more of their brain to talk, so that's why they don't think much about sex.

That basically means, that I have a chick's brain and the reason why I don't think about sex is because I'm talking too much!

All talk, no action


  1. Anonymous said...
    you also sing in between drinking
    Dale said...
    i don't think this is news to many of us... :P

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