I send out this text today:

'Describe me in 1 word, just 1! Send it to me and then send this text to 10 people and see how many strange things they think about u! Do reply its funny!'

  1. Lesbian
  2. Conceited... I'm guessing thats why you sent that message.
  3. Adam
  4. Funny
  5. Work
  6. Bitch
  7. Weird Cool Stupid Awesome :P you get four words hehe
  8. Amazing
Ok so number 5 and number 8 are from the same person, they just didn't understand the question :P

Wanna add to the list?? Comment...

1 word description is all he needs.

P.S. Yes I am aware not all 10 people replied!


  1. princessoctober said...
    Crazy...and in the good way..not the mental instution way either..lol
    Paul said...
    Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, lesbian was taken :(
    Anonymous said...
    i did this too haha well i received it and only sent it to the person that sent it to me, the reponse i received was "spunk" oh yea!! haha

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