Probably two of my least favourite people! Well some of them are quite nice, but the majority of them are just complete idiots, and make me want to cry sometimes. I think that they both have to go through some sort of egomaniac training before they can start.

The main reason why I hate taxi drivers is because they think they own the road! They think they can just create their own rules and take over. The worst time to ever hit the road is early in the morning. Mainly because they are like same sort of swarm, that take over. You see the yellow parasites all over the road, and its really annoying, if your coming home from going out, and keep getting cut in front of by them!

Another reason I'm not a fan of them is because some days they just hate me! I don't know why, but I can be standing on the side of St. Kilda, waiting for a taxi to come pick me up. Now its not like no taxis come past, shit loads of them do! In one night, I watched 8 taxis, yep that's right 8 taxis, drive straight past me. Some of them had the nerve to slow down, just to excite me a bit and then just keep going. Now I know I don't look like some hobo standing on the side of the road, and whenever I get a taxi, I always tip them, so why don't they just pick me up!!! I don't understand. Maybe there is some sort of taxi code that I have to learn to make them pull over, seeing that sitting my hand out doesn't seem to work.

Now its not only taxi drivers who ignore me as well. Tram drivers have developed a habit of it too. I'm usually quite fine with tram drivers, except over the last couple of weeks, they have began to annoy me. The main reason is because a couple of times, I've signalled them, and they signal back, and I'm like thank god, I've been waiting for ages, and the tram gets closer but doesn't slow down, and it just keeps going. It doesn't stop, it just keeps going and I'm left, usually in the cold, waiting for the next one. Now. I'm not sure if I'm just being stupid, but I thought the signal to the tram driver was for him to stop, not just a little hello greeting. If I put my arm out and nod at you, I would think that means your supposed to stop, not just nod back and keep going!!! When this happens, I usually get frustrated and in an act of protest I walk home!

Well I better be off soon, I have a tram to catch to work!



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