Sorry about the lack of posting lately, just been a busy boy... but I feel a massive post coming on... one that could even rival Creation of A Mega-Bitch... But you'll just have to wait...

Till very soon...


  1. Anonymous said...
    Hey Adam
    How's it going? Busy? What are you up to? Is this a surprise? I bet you didnt think i would comment!!!
    All is ok here at work. No changes, just the same old same old!!!
    Love the short posts! Keep it up!
    Anonymous said...
    I've read a few of your posts and comments.
    Your posts are reflective peices of writing,on your lifes journey. You are very talented in this form of script.
    I was wondering.. Could you write a post on your true beliefs, your opinion as a young man, living in Melbourne?
    "Who is the real Adam Mac?"
    What makes him so special to the world?

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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