OMG!! Just realised that this weekend is massive... Went out last night, had one of the best nights I've had for a while, it was good to go out with some friends and just make complete and utter fools of ourselves... Loves It! So that was fun...

Tonight, as usual the ever enjoyable Inferno @ The Tavern... Need I say more... I love them, with or without Burke!! Be there, and you'll probably see me... YAY!!!

Friday night is also a massive one.. Plan to get absolutely smashed... Lots of fun!!! The parties at this mates place are always enjoyable!

Then there is Saturday afternoon, where I'm going Dark Zone-ing, for people who dont know, its where you run around like a crazed maniac and shoot people!!! Should be loads of fun...

Then later that night, I've got a birthday party to go to... The adorable Reggie is celebrating another year on, and what better way to celebrate then to get drunk!!

Then come Sunday morning, and Adam Mac has to be at the National State Theatre at 9:30am!!! Yep, you read right, after this whole weekend, I have to be there at 9:30.... Because thats the place I'm gonna get my rocks off... Sorry, I mean where I'm gonna be crewing for Sue! In the Flintstones, get my rocks off, get it??

Anyway, maybe I should get some sleep now... Good Idea...

Adam Mac
Sleep lover, when he gets to do it!!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Haha Adam. Guess were i am going on Saturday?? Thats right....Thirsty Merc!!

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