
Im broke, unemployed, carless and i no longer live at home..

Dad made the decision he didnt want me to stay so on Friday I was told to leave.... Im now living with my grandmother!!!

All this leading up to my 20th on Sunday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Had an interview with Coles Myer and now in a talent pool... go me!!!

So, I'll update in a couple of days...


Adam Mac


  1. Anonymous said...
    I'm sorry to hear that.

    Good luck with the whole Coles-Myer thing.
    Anonymous said...
    life constantly changes, mostly unexpectedly, so I hope that the future brings better things for you.
    Anonymous said...
    Which branch of coles myer did u have an interview with?? poor u might end up working with me, i pity all that do... :P

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