I'm in love with:

  • Sleep: When I get it! Got home today at about 2pm, and slept till like 7:30pm. Loves It! As of late the only time I've been sleeping is during the day, so I'm starting to forget what the sun looks like!! But slowly learning that sleeping isn't always the best thing, especially now, what with winter, and its cold and my room isn't exactly the warmest place!
  • Dark Zone: Ran around shooting people! Had so much fun, loved seeing people "commando roll"- well I don't see it as a commando roll when you trip first and roll down the hill, and NO! It wasn't me!! Not loving the random 15 year old "Slasher" gatecrashing the game with his special gun, *cough, cough* private party, fuck off!!! He was the thing holding me back from victory in the last two games!!! Also loving creeping up behind people and screaming out BOO!, okay so maybe I am a bitch!!!
  • Alcohol: Loving it, except maybe when it ends up all over my shirt, but it wasn't my fault! It never is... And maybe not loving the whole "P" Plate thing, and the designated driver thing, but ah well...
  • Crewing: Getting the chance to yell at kids again, dance to ridiculous music and have a good time while doing it!! Also loving getting lost on the way home from St. Kilda, because I left the National State Theatre and turned down somewhere wrong, and well, it wasn't pretty...
  • Britney: Loving Brits at the moment, not ashamed to admit that her greatest hits CD has been played non-stop in my car, and my room as of late!
  • Drunk people: Especially when they break out a dance move on a kitchen floor, hilarious, and then reminding the person what they were doing the next day, and they only have vague recollections! JUMP!!!
  • Hungry Jacks: Only place in Werribee being open 24 hours, when I need my fix of onion rings at 3am in the morning... They deliver, so I love them in return...
  • Inferno: So glad they are back!!! Be at the Tavern @ Thursday and you'll understand why... And because they play mine and my friends requests!!!
  • Friends: I'm in love with all my friends!!! I love that I get along so well with people and go out and party and have fun, get drunk and dance like complete and utter idiots!!!

So thats all the things I'm in love with at the moment, there are others, but I'm not telling you everything!!!

Adam "I'm a lover not a fighter" Mac

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I hope your not still eating Hungry Jacks for breakfast!!!

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