My posts of late have been very long and very spaced apart, so I'm gonna post the last two weeks in this post and make it as compact as possible... So that I can update more regularly and not have to write so much.

In the last two weeks, I have been to Geelong on the Sunday after Meghan B.'s birthday, then went to our graveyard... I had two of my friend's birthdays, Happy Birthday Louie & Danielle, had Danielle's birthday get together... Had a friend's 21st birthday, Happy Birthday Scott, and went to Spy Lounge with Louie and Jo.

The Sunday in Geelong was eventful, I was quite surprised to see that a club/pub in Geelong was packed on a Sunday night, and not only that, but apparently it is usually busier!! I also bumped into someone I hadn't seen in a while, who met Skanky Jo earlier in the week at work and had forgotten about her! How rude!! Anyway, she wasn't impressed...

On Friday, I went to my friend's house for her birthday... It was heaps of fun, I wasn't drunk, but fairly happy, and I'm quite surprised about how fun playing PS2- Eye-Toy 2 is, when your slightly under the influence! Also may I mention...RANDOM HANDSTAND!!! It had been a week, but still it had to happen...again! Random handstands will be happening very frequently... they are lots of fun, you should try them some day!

Then on Saturday, I went to Spy Lounge with Louie and Skanky Jo... It was a random adventure, being organized only half an hour before it began, but it was heaps of fun! Seeing that I had a couple of drinks beforehand, I was in a happy mood!! Happy enough to get up and dance on the podiums! As mentioned in a previous post, it had to be done to continue my show pony spirit!

Another quick thing about Saturday night, it was the first time that Skanky Jo had seen me in my pink top... Now, if you have read Meghan B.'s comment in a previous post, she makes mention of my pink top, and I thought I would bring it up now to defend myself... At the start of the whole "Men In Pink" phase, I was very against it... But when you go shopping with female friends, they have ways of persuading you to buy things you wouldn't regularly buy! So I bought a pink top, I only own one, but I must admit, it has made regular outings!

Anyway, that was my last two weeks, wrapped up as quickly as possible, a lot of comments have been left out, but hey, its two weeks in two minutes...

Stay tuned for my next post, relating to a random lecture I got from some strange guy at Crown last night... Extremely random!!!

Many years ago, a fisherman and his wife had twin sons, but they didn't know what to name them. The husband said, "Let's just wait. If we wait long enough, the names will simply occur to us." After several weeks, they noticed something peculiar about the children. When left alone, one boy would face the sea, and the other would face inland.
"Let's call the boys Toward and Away," suggested the fisherman, and his wife agreed.
Years passed, and one day the fisherman told his adult sons, "It's time that you learned how to make a living from the sea." The fisherman and his sons provisioned their ship and set sail for a three-month voyage. At the voyage's end, the fisherman returned alone.
"What happened?" his wife cried.
"We were barely one day out to sea," the fisherman explained solemnly, "when Toward hooked a great fish. Toward fought long and hard, but the fish was great and strong. For whole week they wrestled upon the waves, yet eventually the great fish started to win the battle, and Toward was pulled over the side. He was swallowed whole, and we never saw either of them again."
"Oh dear!" the wife cried. "What a huge fish that must have been! What a terrible fish! What a horrible fish!"
"Yes, it was, but you should have seen the one that got Away."

1 Comment:

  1. Debbie said...
    Hello McAdam!

    You are at least posting more regularly than I am! Now, now, we all know that your "random handstands" are not always quite-so-random, although I do agree that your announcements that you are about to do one are quite out of the blue (if that made any sense at all!) And as for the pink shirt....FINALLY, a guy who can admit it looks good! It is my life's work to convince the entire male population that pink is in fact NOT a girl's colour, but one that looks lovely on most guys too!!!

    Catcha soon,

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