Warning: The following post contains absolutely disgusting references...Not recommended for people with weak stomachs...but read it anyway!

Well, my question of what to post for today, I've started running low on ideas for my introduction week, was answered today at work... Today, Christie, a fellow workmate, and myself were asked to clean out the fridge in the upstairs kitchen... And as you can probably tell from the title of this post, it was gross...

First, I'll fill you in with a bit about my work... I work as a casual for a clothing company in Blackburn Nth... I do anything that I'm told to do... I'm a good little boy!!!

Anway, back to the disgusting story. We have two kitchens at work, one for the people who work in the front, i.e. Sales Reps etc. And then there is the kitchen which is upstairs for the people who work in the warehouse, people like me... Both kitchens are equipped with the works, fridges, dish washer... not that anyone uses them... and everything you can think of, well maybe not everything, but its close enough.

In the upstairs kitchen, it had come to someone's attention that when you opened up the fridge, it could talk to you... The amount of food that had been left in there to grow was disgusting! Bananas, plates of Chinese food, more bananas, sandwiches, eggs, more sandwiches, and more sandwiches... I was quite amazed at the many different shades of green i could find...

Now if you thought that was bad enough, imagine having to pick up all these things, chucking them in a garbage bag... lovely smell when everyone is out in fresh air... and then having to tie the bag up. It is very hard to tie a garbage bag when you have one hand holding your nose closed because of the fumes, and trying not to laugh at me and Christie dry reaching at the smell.

Clearing the fridge of all the smelly food was only half of our mission. In our combat against mould, we had to take out each of the shelves and containers, and scrub down the walls... Christie got the job of cleaning the shelves, and i was left to scrub the mould away...

The best thing about mould in the fridge, is when it gets wet and starts to make greenish coloured drips, and drips all over the place you just cleaned. And scrubbing out the little grooves that the shelves go on because they were a healthy greeny brown colour, that was also a highlight.

After taking out the mould in the fridge, our search for our green companion continued. It was here that we found the highlight of our quest. Opening up the cupboard, looking behind all the new food, we found some honey... I never knew that honey could turn green!!!

Anyway, after a bit of elbow grease, we had the fridge looking like new... or as new as the stains would let it look. Now i must sit back and wait to see how long it will take before it reaching that condition again... I'm gonna give it a week tops!

BTW, anyone at work who reads this... make sure that you don't leave anything in the fridge for more than a week, otherwise it could grow legs and come and chase you down the street...

Q. What will happen to you if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
A. Every morning you'll rise and shine


  1. AdamMac said...
    Yes i did try those drops...

    Thank god i only took one!! LOL!

    Adam Mac==> available for all your mouldy needs...
    Anonymous said...
    My mum used to work at your place of employment, when I read out your post to her she was not in the slightest bit suprised all she could say was "That doesnt suprise me, that sounds exactly like the pigs that work there" Poor Adam, I wouldnt wanna wanna do that!!
    Speaking of uncleanliness... People, if you have calico bags, or green shopping bags, please spare a thought for the check-out chicks at the supermarket that you shop at. Please wash your bags coz we really dont wanna touch your flithy dirty bags!!! And to the guy that told me to put the unwrapped vegies straight into his green bag, if you are reading this... Its sooo unhygienic (unhealthy whateva the word is) to put the unwrapped vegies into the bag with your dirty, smelly running shoes and unwashed socks...EEWWW
    What has happened to commonsense and cleanliness???

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