On the way home from work, having the daily conversation with my mum, we started talking about Big Brother, as we do, and somehow me being a housemate became a topic!!! And it made me think, would I be a good housemate? Would Australians love me??

I was thinking about what type of person I would be in the house. It took me about two seconds to realise that I would be a complete bitch!! But I think that I would be somewhat two faced as well!!! I know thats not a nice thing, but I think thats the type of person I would become! I gossip quite a lot, so I think that woud become a problem in the house, and that it would cause a lot problems within the house!

A lot of people like a bitch, but would Australians love AdamMac?? Would I be the first one evicted?? I think that would be my biggest fear in the house, that I would be the first one to go! Would I be one of those people that the housemates hate, but the public love and get through every eviction being nominated? Or one of those people the housemates love, but as soon as they are nominated they are kicked out because the public hate them?

I then asked mum whether or not she would watch if I was on TV! I thought that she would, but I was mistaken, she actually said that she wouldn't, because she didn't want to hear some of the things that I might say! This surprised me, because I tell my mum a lot of things, well not everything, but I tell her most things... I suppose there are some things that she might not want to hear, but then again, she doesn't need to watch Adult's Only :P

But its all good to talk about going on Big Brother, but I think that getting in would be the hardest thing... Would I be able to get through the audition process... How do I convince judges (are there even judges?!?) that they would want to watch me 24/7?? Be honest, would you wanna watch me 24/7??

SO, if there is a Big Brother next year, should I audition?? Would you watch me in it?? More importantly would you vote to keep me in or out of the house??

Possible Future Big Brother Housemate!


  1. ~shan said...
    i would watch ya, and if u were up for eviction i would vote '2SAVE'
    princessoctober said...
    Adam go for it..I would find a way to waych it..LOL, I think your one of the most interesting, straight forward people, and everyone would be sooo addictated to you.

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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