Thats the site were I'm putting all my photos, at the moment, they are only some softball photos, but i hope to have some more photos up there later!!!


Adam Mac


  1. Anonymous said...
    Stress less LouLou that comment was aimed at AdamMac not you!
    Anonymous said...
    Stress less LouLou that comment was aimed at AdamMac not you!
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous, what is your problem with AdamMac? Obviously you have issues if your way of getting kicks is by bombarding HIS site with messages that are not nice. My question to you is do you even know Adam? or are YOU some "computer nerd" that has nothing better to do with his/her life than surf the net and hassle innocent people?
    If you knew adam at all you wouldnt be posting any of the shit that you have! Get a life!!

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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