Ever wanted to know what AdamMac looks like? Or wanted to see what his house looks like?? Or family for that matter?? Well you can...

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  1. princessoctober said...
    Wow, Adam finally someone else who writes like I do. About life and all the crap that happens a long with the good days too. If you ever have the time I would really appreciate you stopping over to my blog and getting your opinion. Keep it up, I'll be back, to see what going on.
    princessoctober said...
    Adam thanks for stopping by. Let me tell you the why? phase is the best. Talk about getting to think about things you never thought of..LOL! The first why? Question I ever got was my oldest one asked me, Why do old ladies smell funny?...I had no idea what to tell him he was 2...Thanks for the compliment on my kids. I will definately keep up with your blog.
    Anonymous said...
    Here are some latest links to sites where I found some information: http://neveo.info/2250.html or http://neveo.info/1053.html

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