I'm not a victim of clichés
I don't believe in soul mates
Happy endings only one
I met you and all that changed
I had a taste and you're still sitting on the tip of my tongue

You were mine
Somewhere in time
I'll look for you first
In my next life

There's always one that gets away
The one that sneaks up on you that slips away
In a closed off corner of my heart
I'll always see your face

The one that got away

... are sometimes the only way to show emotion


  1. Anonymous said...
    Dammit I'm pretty sure I posted that before I showed you my blog hahaha that wasn't meant to be read but I'm sure that cute Australian blogger wouldn't mind a compliment or two :P

    Any thoughts on being friends with an ex??? I dont know what to do
    Anonymous said...
    PS you got me all giddy and I forgot to give you props on the lovely writing! :)
    AdamMac said...
    Lol! Well take away the props, its not my words, but lyrics from a song i love :P

    Umm being friends with an ex?!?! Umm I reckon that you should be, but it has to be the same on both sides of the relationship.
    Anonymous said...
    haha I guess its a lesson to me. No more prop slutting. Heh. I'm gonna be more cautious next time.
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