My dreams have been so vivid lately. Not only that, but I've been able to recall what they were about quite easily. Usually its quite the opposite. I never remember what they are, and if I do, it might be once every couple of months.

I used to think that I wasn't really a dreamer. I've always heard that its people with a huge imagination that always dream. I think in part that is true, but majority of dreams are based on something that has happened and putting a slight twist on it. When I was younger, I had such a great imagination, I could enter a whole other world instantly, and jump backwards and forwards. I remember stories that I would write about, and things that I would do which would help prepare to dream that night.

My imagination then helped me escape from everything. Not that there was really anything I needed to escape from. I think moving schools so early into prep made me feel isolated. I remember at the new school, when we were sitting on the floor, I would make a pretend moat around myself. Anyway, enough about my insecurities of a child, this post was supposed to be about my dreams.

It's pretty weird with the dreams I've had lately. They've all felt so real. When I've tried to recall them, I'm been able to do with ease. The freakiest dream I've had was where I got killed.

I was driving out of a car park from work one late night, and I as I was going to leave the underground car park, the guys surrounded the car. Then all of a sudden I heard a gun shot, heard the window of the driver's seat smash, and felt the sharp pain in my temple as the bullet entered my skull. My one and only reaction, was to send a text message, with my phone which was in my left hand. I was writing a message to my mum, 'I love you', but died before I had the chance to send it. The weird thing was, was I could feel everything like I was observing it, and picturing how it felt like. Feeling the bullet enter me, and losing all sense of feelings, having everything drain away from me.

Like I said before, it all felt like it was real. Mainly because everything in this dream was real. It was my car that I was in. I had my current phone, my mum names was stored as it is now*. I recognised the car park as the one at highpoint. That could be the only thing that doesn't make it real. Seeing that I don't work at highpoint. But everything else was completely accurate.

I wonder what the next couple of nights will bring.

*Private joke between me and mum.

... it's all back to normal again.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I think the dream is a sign not to get a job at highpoint. :)
    Anonymous said...
    Just discovered your blog :) Keep up the good work!

    -Kyle (Canada)

    PS I have a blog as well but it's on private. I'd have to add you to my friend list first, but don't know if you're interested to begin with :P
    AdamMac said...
    luke- LOL yeah I suppose that would be a good sign, but I knew already I shouldn't work there, they don't call it knifepoint for a reason.

    kyle- Thanks for reading and glad you enjoyed it, yeah I always like reading new blogs :)
    Anonymous said...
    If you click on my link now (orangeorange), it should take you to my blog.

    Leave me a comment if you can see it!


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