Chocolate is great. Chocolate is evil. I have many a great memories of chocolate, but I also have many bad memories about chocolate. With Easter just comes even more chocolate than you can imagine. My worst experience with chocolate probably came a couple of weeks ago though.

I had had a pretty big night out. It was my first night out in a while, and I had a bit to drink. I was my usual happy self. I had been dancing like a knob on stage, stumbling around the club looking for the people that I had rocked up with. A typical drunken adammac night.

When I got home, I thought that the best thing that I could do was get some chocolate and eat it before I fell asleep. Boy was I wrong.

I grabbed five chomp bars, my eyes were clearly bigger than my stomach. Went upstairs and jumped into bed. Only to fall asleep before even eating the first one. Now all of them were out of the wrappers as we currently have a 5 kilo bag of them at our house. Don't ask why, its better not to know...

As you can imagine, my body heat mixed with the heat of my room, made the chocolate melt. When I woke up in the morning, I was covered in chocolate as was my bedspread. Now I'm not usually one to complain about being covered in chocolate, but only when there is someone else there to lick it off. Sadly there was no one else here.

All that was there was my seedy hungover, waking up to find a mysterious brown substance all over my body and my sheets. You an only imagine the first thing I thought.

... and my worst enemy!


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