Theres got to be something about my appearance that I need to change. It's happening just a little bit too often for my liking. Every time I go out I get asked if I have any pills, or know where to find them.

To set the record straight, which I think I have done on this blog about 3 or 4 times, I don't take drugs. I never have, and it looks like I never will. I'm the type of person that is naturally energetic and I'm actually scared of how hyper I would be if I did take something. Could you imagine it? I would literally be bouncing off walls, floors and ceilings.

I don't know what it is that make people ask though. Maybe I act like I'm on something. Maybe its because I usually have a bottle of water on me when I'm driving, and people think its to keep me hydrated because of the drugs I'm. Maybe I look like a dealer.

Or maybe I'm just over-reacting and wanted to talk about drugs again on my blog. I like that one, so lets stick with that.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    "I don't know what it is that make people ask though...Maybe I look like a dealer."

    It could be the track marks on your arms that give it away...

    Hehe, in all seriousness though, maybe it is because you are so naturally energetic and people think that there is no way anyone straight could be so hyper.


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