Yesterday was not the best day.

I went and saw The Seeker which I thought looked really good. Even though it did seem like a bit of cross between Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings, I still wanted to see it. I was pretty disappointed with it. The acting was horrible, as were some of the shots during the film. I have never wanted to leave during a movie before, while there was that one time during Saw 3 when I thought I was going to vomit but thats a whole other story. So I sat there for what felt like an eternity and painlessly endured it.

To make matters worse, when I left the cinemas I pulled my iPod out of pocket and found that I had accidentally broken it. Sometime during the one and a half hours I wasted watching that film, I had leaned against my pocket and inadvertently smashed the screen. Now my iPod still works, its just that I don't have a screen anymore. It makes it a bit hard to pick a song, and to see what song is playing, but it still works nonetheless.

Being the optimistic *cough cough* person that I am, I have still managed to see this bad situation in a good light. I think that this will give me the opportunity to regain my love for songs that were on my iPod but I never really listened too. I'm sure a lot of people are the same. Whenever they add a new album, that album is almost constantly played, and all the other couple of thousand of songs are neglected. So I figured that if I couldn't pick what I was listening to, I would just have it on random and listen to everything.

After 24 hours I realised two things about myself. The first is that I have a really unique selection of music. The second is that I have really bad taste in music. Well not bad, but rather embarrassing to other people. It's a collection of musicals, camp classics, gay icons, new pop/R 'n B and the occasional cover band rock song. Sometimes even I found myself getting embarrassed whenever a certain song came on, and wanted to be able to see the screen so I could make sure the next one wasn't as bad, in case anyone around me could hear it.

All the more reason why I need to buy a new one. Oh and I saw that at J.B. the new 4 GB Nano was marked down from $199 to $197! It must be a sign!!


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