I recently got asked if I wanted kids. Now this question is usually really easy for some people to answer but for me, and other people in my situation, it can be a bit hard. When I got asked, it made me wonder heaps about it, so I thought I would blog my feelings on the situation.

For starters, I am aware that I can't have kids naturally with my partner. Unless in the future, they make a way to have a baby without needing a woman or a test-tube, but the likelihood of that is very slim. The fact that I can't do this, is a major deterrent in wanting to have kids. Mainly because the child would only be a biological part of one of its parents. This could lead to arguments in the future as to who the real parent is, etc.

I also don't want to bring a child up in an environment where the child would be affected. Not because I would be a bad father, but because it the child had two dads, in current society, the likelihood of a child getting picked on it at school would be high. I don't want a child to be segregated in school for something that they have no control over, and something that isn't their fault.

I thought maybe raising a kid on my own. This would mean that I would instantly be single forever, seeing that I'm sure there isn't a lot of guys that would want to hook up with someone with a kid. Maybe if I was a married straight guy, and the other guy enjoyed that kind of thing, but I think for a single gay guy raising a child of their own would have slim pickings.

But before thinking about how to raise the child, I need to think about how I'm going to 'make' it, so to speak. If I was with someone, would be play rock-paper-scissors to find out who gets to be the 'real' father? Do we both contribute and see who is the fastest? Do we use some random woman that we don't even know? Use a best girlfriend? Do I adopt?

So many different things that need to be considered. Before you start thinking that I've lost my mind, I don't intend on running out and adopting children. Its just one of the many things that run through my head, and I figure its better to let them out here, then to leave them in there.

I think kids would be nice in the future, at the moment I don't see it as a possibility though.


  1. shan said...
    i dont know either...

    apparently its not right for a woman to say that
    Anthony said...
    Its a toughie innit? I think we're still fairly young so we dont think about it as a plausible issue. But there will probably be a day when we think we actually DO want them.

    But I know what you mean with your reasons. Great blog by the way. Im enjoying it!
    Anonymous said...
    Interesting entry... Only thing I'd add is, personally, I don't think a child would be that adversely affected by having two dads (re: teasing at school). Sure they can't control it and *may* get teased, but then maybe they'll have red hair or glasses and get teased because of that. Kids tease each other. It's just life and can be character building. Plus, I'm sure your kid would rather have two dads than not exist at all. :)

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