I give everyone nicknames. No matter who you are, no matter the relationship you have with me, you will have a nickname. I even give nicknames to people who don't even know me. Sometimes the people I give nicknames to, don't even know that I've given them one. This is usually done so that I can talk about that person with my friends, and people listening in don't know who I am talking about.The latest nickname that I gave out was to Red Bull Guy (or RBG for short). RBG works near my work and comes in every so often and buys red bull. Now he is one of the most attractive guys that I have seen. There is just something about him, and for some reason, my gaydar picked up funny vibes from him. Now I thought that this guy was too hot to be gay, but I don't know if I was imagined it or not, but he was always smiling at me and stuff like that. So my first crush in a long time was born.
Now me being the shy person that I am, I was too scared to talk to him. I would serve him, and then he would walk out, and I would go up to one of the girls and tell them that RBG was just in. Which would usually then have me explaining to the girls who RBG was, because with nicknames I usually just make them up, not tell anyone but expect them to know who I'm talking about.
Anyway, I finally found out about RBG's sexuality on the weekend, when I saw him out at a local club, pashing someone who I assume is his girlfriend. At first he walked in, and they weren't walking close together, so I assumed sisters or something, but with the dirty dancing and the tonsil hockey that occured later on in the night, I'm assuming/hoping it wasn't a family member! So the likelihood of AdamMac and RBG being together is extremely slim, but I'm sure I'll get over it.
I'm really glad as well that the store use nicknames or the people we work with, and the known thieves that enter the store. Our common thieves are bag lady and mole face. So whenever they come in, everyone has to keep an eye on them, and you hear us whispering between the aisles, 'mole face again'.
One mistake that one of my fellow colleagues made, was telling me a nickname that I could call her, as her name is really weird to pronounce. So I proceeded to call her that nickname throughout the day. At the end of the day though, she came up to me and told me that she wasn't comfortable with me calling her that name. I'm sorry, but if you tell me to call you Hooters, than you must be silly to not think that I wouldn't take up the opportunity. I have since stopped.
Do you commonly use nicknames?
Theres got to be something about my appearance that I need to change. It's happening just a little bit too often for my liking. Every time I go out I get asked if I have any pills, or know where to find them.
To set the record straight, which I think I have done on this blog about 3 or 4 times, I don't take drugs. I never have, and it looks like I never will. I'm the type of person that is naturally energetic and I'm actually scared of how hyper I would be if I did take something. Could you imagine it? I would literally be bouncing off walls, floors and ceilings.
I don't know what it is that make people ask though. Maybe I act like I'm on something. Maybe its because I usually have a bottle of water on me when I'm driving, and people think its to keep me hydrated because of the drugs I'm. Maybe I look like a dealer.
Or maybe I'm just over-reacting and wanted to talk about drugs again on my blog. I like that one, so lets stick with that.
Did something a little bit different on Friday night. It was Bec's birthday so we all went out to Chill On, Ice Bar.
It was a really good night, something different for a change. It was really cool to be inside this bar that was made completely out of ice. Although it did get a bit cold, you get supplied with warm clothes before you go in.
It was also funny reading all the different rules about the place, thanks Jo for making sure that everyone was aware that I understood the rule "No Licking the Furniture", it's great to know you've got my best interests at heart.
I don't know if I'd go again, it seems to be a one-off experience, but the Funk bar above it was pretty good as well. Well, anywhere that has a disco ball in the shape of a human torso wins my vote.After that we went out to a bar in the city called Bond Lounge. I'd never been there before, but I used to work opposite it, so I always used to think what type of place is inside. Honestly, it doesn't look crash hot from the outside, the saying don't judge a book by its cover comes to mind though. Inside was awesome. The interior design of the place as impressive, the bar staff were awesome, and the music was pretty good as well. It was a pity that there wasn't that many people there though, because that place looked like it would go off!
Yesterday was not the best day.
I went and saw The Seeker which I thought looked really good. Even though it did seem like a bit of cross between Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings, I still wanted to see it. I was pretty disappointed with it. The acting was horrible, as were some of the shots during the film. I have never wanted to leave during a movie before, while there was that one time during Saw 3 when I thought I was going to vomit but thats a whole other story. So I sat there for what felt like an eternity and painlessly endured it.
To make matters worse, when I left the cinemas I pulled my iPod out of pocket and found that I had accidentally broken it. Sometime during the one and a half hours I wasted watching that film, I had leaned against my pocket and inadvertently smashed the screen. Now my iPod still works, its just that I don't have a screen anymore. It makes it a bit hard to pick a song, and to see what song is playing, but it still works nonetheless.
Being the optimistic *cough cough* person that I am, I have still managed to see this bad situation in a good light. I think that this will give me the opportunity to regain my love for songs that were on my iPod but I never really listened too. I'm sure a lot of people are the same. Whenever they add a new album, that album is almost constantly played, and all the other couple of thousand of songs are neglected. So I figured that if I couldn't pick what I was listening to, I would just have it on random and listen to everything.
After 24 hours I realised two things about myself. The first is that I have a really unique selection of music. The second is that I have really bad taste in music. Well not bad, but rather embarrassing to other people. It's a collection of musicals, camp classics, gay icons, new pop/R 'n B and the occasional cover band rock song. Sometimes even I found myself getting embarrassed whenever a certain song came on, and wanted to be able to see the screen so I could make sure the next one wasn't as bad, in case anyone around me could hear it.
All the more reason why I need to buy a new one. Oh and I saw that at J.B. the new 4 GB Nano was marked down from $199 to $197! It must be a sign!!
I recently got asked if I wanted kids. Now this question is usually really easy for some people to answer but for me, and other people in my situation, it can be a bit hard. When I got asked, it made me wonder heaps about it, so I thought I would blog my feelings on the situation.
For starters, I am aware that I can't have kids naturally with my partner. Unless in the future, they make a way to have a baby without needing a woman or a test-tube, but the likelihood of that is very slim. The fact that I can't do this, is a major deterrent in wanting to have kids. Mainly because the child would only be a biological part of one of its parents. This could lead to arguments in the future as to who the real parent is, etc.
I also don't want to bring a child up in an environment where the child would be affected. Not because I would be a bad father, but because it the child had two dads, in current society, the likelihood of a child getting picked on it at school would be high. I don't want a child to be segregated in school for something that they have no control over, and something that isn't their fault.
I thought maybe raising a kid on my own. This would mean that I would instantly be single forever, seeing that I'm sure there isn't a lot of guys that would want to hook up with someone with a kid. Maybe if I was a married straight guy, and the other guy enjoyed that kind of thing, but I think for a single gay guy raising a child of their own would have slim pickings.
But before thinking about how to raise the child, I need to think about how I'm going to 'make' it, so to speak. If I was with someone, would be play rock-paper-scissors to find out who gets to be the 'real' father? Do we both contribute and see who is the fastest? Do we use some random woman that we don't even know? Use a best girlfriend? Do I adopt?
So many different things that need to be considered. Before you start thinking that I've lost my mind, I don't intend on running out and adopting children. Its just one of the many things that run through my head, and I figure its better to let them out here, then to leave them in there.
I think kids would be nice in the future, at the moment I don't see it as a possibility though.