Okay, so Big Brother is back again. I did the ritual bitch session with my mum on the opening night. We did the whole, what is Gretel wearing? How on earth did that person get into Big Brother? Whose the fag? How's in the relationships?

I knew that I would get depressed watching it. Mainly because I had told myself that this year I was going to audition, I even got dressed and ready to go. But like most things, I chickened out and didn't go. So I sat and watched BB tonight and thought to myself, that could have been me...

I don't know if I would have made it through the audition process though. I'm hoping that they audition next year, if they do then I'll have to go, and I'll make sure that I get someone else to come with me so that I have to go...

Anyway, I don't know who I'm a fan of so far, no-one has really stuck out. I don't think I like any of them. :( I suppose we will just have to wait and see...


  1. Anonymous said...
    adam, I like the basketballer... omg how interesting is this love triangle!!! I am hooked and its only been 2 nights hahaha...
    next year u have to force me to go with you. I want to go but am put off by the whole nudity thing...

    shan said...
    i too luv the tall basketballer! and this love triangle is keeping me transfixed to BB07, but it seems to be the only thing going on...though i am curious about rebecca. as much as she's trying to, she's just not fittng in and she doesnt like that

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