I knew it wouldn't take that long. I've unblocked. I feel the urge to blog again. How lucky for you all. A fair bit has happened since I got the blog. One of the thoughts that I've had running through my head is the one that I blogged about during the break, and its not what everyone thinks it refers to, but something else.

The past weekend was really fun. I had an awesome time. Paid for it today though, having spent the majority of the day in bed because I couldn't be bothered doing anything. This is what happened on my weekend, if you hold your mouse of the picture it gives you a quick description of whats

Friday Night
Caught up with the lovely Jo and Lou for some frolicking in the city. Got tempted by the lights of a pretty ferris wheel and were terrified when Louie thought it would be funny to rock the carriage. Also were the victim of a line pusher-iner who jumped the line by threatening to ask for a refund! I hate old people. Then met Meghan B. and saw Fuse. Drank lots of alcohol and had fun at Crown with builders tape.

Saturday Night
Went to B's 30th birthday party. It was a dress-up party, where everyone had to go as something starting with the letter B. Had heaps of fun and it just proves that you don't need alcohol to have fun. Had a ball dancing up a storm with my mum, and getting dressed up. I put the camp in Boot Camp instructor.

1 Comment:

  1. Dale said...

    Give me quality blogging, no, quality writing for me to sink my teeth into (or criticise, depending on my mood :P)

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