Do you ever feel like you are hanging on to something in the hope that it real return to how you remember it? Over the last couple of weeks I've started to realize that I do this with a lot of things.

Last night it hit me, and it hit me hard. I can't keep hoping that things well go back to how they were, how I want them to be. People move on, things change. I'm starting to learn that I can't change it.

I realized when I first moved out of home that I had a problem with hanging on to things. I'm a hoarder. The amount of crap that I had was ridiculous. It was rather scary. Things from primary school that I had made, or even wrote. I had saved old diaries, old school books.

Its not only at home where I do this, but also at work. I have every diary that I have ever used at work. I still have my training folder, complete with all the drawings I did in it and notes that I had wrote. I also have some writing pads that I use during calls in my drawers. I finally got rid of some of them, but it took some time.

Its a problem that I have, I'll openly admit it. But I need to do something about it, and with some things at the moment, I need to realize that I can't go back to what I want, I need to either get used to it, or leave it. Its a decision I don't want to have to make, but I think it made itself last night.



  1. Anonymous said...
    wow... thats my mum. haha. I remember when she was cleanin the shed a while back, maybe a year ago now. we literally had to kick a hole in a shitty old set of drawers before she let us toss them in hard rubbish. I think i am showing signs of heading down that path. its stupid things like my tafe notes, i hold onto them witht he thought that maybe, someday i will need those notes, maybe someone will need that first aid info, doesnt matter that the book is at my house and the chances of someone needing one of them snake bite things around their arm in my home is slim, its kinda like i have to keep hold of it "just in case" is that like wat u mean adam?? i think when i move in a few weeks i am gunna make someone throw out my stupid shit and old clothes i havent worn in 5 years... because i cant haha what a weird bunch we are
    shan said...
    rather than decluttering one's life of material possessions, i think the post is about realising that you cant hold on to things because the environment or the context changes.
    its a sad and inevitable fact that things change. And that we cannot hold on to an item/feeling/person forever. That moment when you come to that realisation is often bittersweet. If you're like me, whatever decision you make will become an eternal 'what if' scenario.
    the only advice i dare offer, esp. not knowing all the circumstances, is this:
    while you may feel like you cannot hold on to something any longer, think long and hard about its purpose and meaning in your life. Bc once you let it go, it can be very hard to get back again
    Miss_Outburst said...
    I think that even you yourself do not realise how important what you are holding on to really is. I just believe that a bit of effort needs to be put in on both parts and you will find a happy medium.
    Then again.... this is all about me.... if I am without you and your happiness at my birthday, I will be a sad panda!!!

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