Finally, it's gonna happen... Its been meaning to happen for a very long time now... Adam Mac is moving out! Yeppo, he has the place, he has the furniture, well some of it, and he has the white goods. The lease has been signed and the bond has been paid.

Wednesday 15th February 2006!

On this day, the keys will be handed over to Adam Mac and he will be a renter of a little place in St. Kilda! Yeppo! Moving into the big city! For obvious reasons I'm not gonna give out the address on here... STALKERS!!! Well, that would be if I could get a stalker!!!

Its so excting but also so very very very very frightening!!! The main reason its frightening is that I'll be out by myself!!!

In terms of furniture, everything is on its way, and by on its way, I mean sofas taking 6 WEEKS!!! That means probably no one will be invited around until like six weeks when they will be able to sit down somewhere!!!

Not much more really... Exprecting to have ethe internet and everything connected at the new place, so a C Grade Personality will not be taken away... So you can all stress less about that!!!

Anyway, I really should start getting my room organised... So I'm going to love you all and leave you... Hopefully next time, my post will be coming from St Kilda!!!

Love Ya!!!


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