Me in prep. I had just been run over by a group of kids on bicycles. I had totally forget about it until I saw the photo.

I've shown a couple of people this photo, and they can't believe how much I've changed. I don't think I've changed that much. Well apart from the fact that I'm older. Still, whenever I look in the mirror, I still don't see an adult staring back at me, but still some young kid. Makes me wonder if people perceive me like that too?

Sad thing is, when I look at this photo, it makes me only wanna go back to being this young kid again, and to not have to worry about anything, except for a group of kids on bikes.

1 Comment:

  1. Dale said...
    It might be just me, but I see such sadness in those eyes that it affects me. And yeah I think you've changed heaps, except the nose. That's still the same. :P

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