Sometimes things happen and I can't help but laugh. Over the last week, I've been reading stuff about Matrix schemes and Pyramid schemes on WikiPedia, yeah I know such an interesting life that I lead. I was actually quite astounded to know how some people have set up such elaborate schemes, but also the fact that people would actually fall for it.

After reading about some of the schemes, I was wondering if they still existed and read on WikiPedia that they still were going on, but surprised that people would still fall for it.

Then yesterday, I received something odd in the mail. It was a handwritten envelope. Now I never receive anything in the post with a handwritten address, mainly because the only thing I receive in the post is bills. So this one was a bit weird.

When I opened it up, I burst into laughter. Someone had sent this get rich quick scheme, about how I can make $70 000 from just doing one mail out. All I had to do was say thank you to the previous person who sent it to me, by sending them $10. Then I had to resend the letter to 200 random people and wait for the money to roll in. Seriously, how many people would do this?

I'm tempted to go to some sort of regulatory body about it. I love the fact that it can guarantee that by doing the mail out I would get a minimum $70 000. I'm trying to do the math, and it just doesn't work out :P If I send it to 200 people and they all send back $10, that would equate to $2 000. Now majority of people would be like me and not do anything about it, so even if 10 people sent one back it would give me $100. Now take into consideration the amount of stamps needed, envelopes, paper and ink needed, that's one big heap of expenses.

I wonder how they can guarantee this, and tell me it isn't legal?!? Maybe I should mail them out some information from previous court cases where the guys running these schemes were fined! And if people send out letters thinking they are making money, can they too be fined? I wonder...


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