Or should that be proud and queer?

Over the last week or so, I've gotten the same type of feedback from people that I've recently met. People who have never heard of or met AdamMac before, and their reactions were exactly the same.

Apparently I'm really loud. I've known for a while that I'm loud, outspoken, and bitchy, but I didn't think that it would make someone base their whole first opinion on me. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating just a little bit, of course I knew someone would.

Its just the type of person that I am. Loud and in your face. I don't usually hold back when discussing something that I'm passionate about, and if you get me worked up, be prepared for good debate. Although I admit that I'm pretty bitchy, I know this, sometimes its done on purpose whereas other times it just happens. I also have to admit that sometimes I hold back in what I want to say. Sometimes I wish I could just say stuff to get it off my chest, but I think too much about what may happen if I say it, people getting hurt etc.

Through my recent youtube searching, I've found this thing that airs on Comedy Central where they 'roast' celebrities. Its pretty entertaining, who doesn't love seeing Pamela Anderson being verbally abused and just having to sit there and take it? I'd wanna have a roast with a panel of people that I could select. That way I can say whatever I want about them, and have a reason to do it. Mainly so that I could say some things that I really couldn't say to them, well not including drunken dials which reminds me, I haven't done one of those for a while*.

I'd also wanna do a roast thing, because it gives those people a chance to say stuff about me, and I'd love to know what people have to same about me without having to hold back. Who knows, maybe I might organise one of these in the future**.

I also have a new idol when it comes to being a bitch, move over mum I found someone worse than you! Her name is Sarah Silverman. She crosses the line, that many people tip-toe up to and then run away. Her recent performance at the MTV Video Music Awards was inspiring.

Please be aware that there is sexual references and language in it, oh and Paris Hilton. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.

I'm more bitchy in theory than in practice.

*I'm going out drinking tonight, so if I were you I'd turn off your phones tonight :P
** Anyone who knows me will know I'm too lazy to be bothered.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    You are loud, but in a good way I think.

    I'd say you're gregarious as opposed to just loud.

    But I suppose you are just that little bit queer... ;)


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