Can you remember the good old computer days, where games were so addictive you would be stuck on them forever? No?!?! Well I can...

Growing up I used to use computer games as a form of escape, and everyone else was playing them, so I needed to as well. I have fond memories of all the games that I used to play, and found it amusing while talking to one of my friends, that growing up we used to play similar games.

Anything that was created by the company Bullfrog, I adored. They gave us some great games, and majority of them you can still play now.

The main reason why I've started thinking about these games again, is mainly because I recently brought ThemePark on the DS. I was exactly how I remembered it, and after playing it, I realised that I started doing exactly what I used to too... I started building the same way that I used to, and was following the same sort of pattern. It made me think about how much I had changed since I used to play these games.

Some of my favourite type of games where the ones where you looked down on a world and built things. The main ones being games like ThemePark, ThemeHospital, Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Warcraft and Dungeon Keeper. All of which I'm sure I wasted a fair bit of time on.

1 Comment:

  1. princessoctober said...
    I played all sorts of games, lets see I give you a run down organized and all.....

    1. Super Mario
    2. Hockey
    3. Bubble Bobble

    1. Green Ghost ( reverse hide and seek)
    2. Hide and Seek
    3. Freeze tag
    4. Football
    5. Baseball

    Board games
    1. Trouble
    2. Hungry Hungry Hippos ( this makes a great drinking game BTW )
    3. Scatergories
    4.Connect four
    5. Mouse Trap
    6. Card games

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