Its slightly scary. In just over three weeks I will be 22 (or as I like to call it 21+1). It means that a. I'm no longer a 21 year old, and b. I'm only eight years from thirty!

At the moment I don't really know what I wanna do... Tossing up between a couple of ideas, but I have no idea. I'm no good at organising things, so I don't really know what to do.

At the moment, I'm thinking of doing something on the 13th, mainly because its a Friday and I reckon it would be cool to go out and get drunk. I'm also tossing up having some sort of theme, and getting everyone to get dressed up according to it and then going out.

If I was to do a theme thing, I reckon I would go with a UV type thing. If you look at the latest photo on the right, its of the top that I wore last time I went out, and needless to say I glowed! I reckon it would be cool if I could get a whole bunch of people to wear glowing clothes and that would be cool. Apparently you can also buy UV nail polish, lipstick and hair spray! It could be a good idea.

More than likely though, I'll probably just end up going out with a group of friends, the safest bet. Maybe even having dinner with people too would be cool...


  1. Dale said...
    The 13th?? *uber massive sad face* I won't be here for it...

    I've always wanted to go to a theme party. And I've always had the strange desire to glow and be luminescent... Hmm, strange. :)
    Anonymous said...
    Hehe, in that photo of you in your glowing top at Dirty V, you look like the invisible man wearing fluoro!

    *Hums appropriate Queen song*


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