
Why I shouldn't be allowed to drink in public!

Its slightly scary. In just over three weeks I will be 22 (or as I like to call it 21+1). It means that a. I'm no longer a 21 year old, and b. I'm only eight years from thirty!

At the moment I don't really know what I wanna do... Tossing up between a couple of ideas, but I have no idea. I'm no good at organising things, so I don't really know what to do.

At the moment, I'm thinking of doing something on the 13th, mainly because its a Friday and I reckon it would be cool to go out and get drunk. I'm also tossing up having some sort of theme, and getting everyone to get dressed up according to it and then going out.

If I was to do a theme thing, I reckon I would go with a UV type thing. If you look at the latest photo on the right, its of the top that I wore last time I went out, and needless to say I glowed! I reckon it would be cool if I could get a whole bunch of people to wear glowing clothes and that would be cool. Apparently you can also buy UV nail polish, lipstick and hair spray! It could be a good idea.

More than likely though, I'll probably just end up going out with a group of friends, the safest bet. Maybe even having dinner with people too would be cool...

Can you remember the good old computer days, where games were so addictive you would be stuck on them forever? No?!?! Well I can...

Growing up I used to use computer games as a form of escape, and everyone else was playing them, so I needed to as well. I have fond memories of all the games that I used to play, and found it amusing while talking to one of my friends, that growing up we used to play similar games.

Anything that was created by the company Bullfrog, I adored. They gave us some great games, and majority of them you can still play now.

The main reason why I've started thinking about these games again, is mainly because I recently brought ThemePark on the DS. I was exactly how I remembered it, and after playing it, I realised that I started doing exactly what I used to too... I started building the same way that I used to, and was following the same sort of pattern. It made me think about how much I had changed since I used to play these games.

Some of my favourite type of games where the ones where you looked down on a world and built things. The main ones being games like ThemePark, ThemeHospital, Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Warcraft and Dungeon Keeper. All of which I'm sure I wasted a fair bit of time on.

Okay, I've managed to do it again. Find another enjoyable and time consuming site thanks to PointlessSites.

This one is called Oceangram. Basically, its an online message in a bottle site, where you can put your own message in a bottle and send it out to the big virtual ocean, where it will end up at someone else's beach desktop.

Its pretty fun reading other people deep secrets. The best thing about it as well, is that you can add to other people's message and send them back on their merry way. If that person has set up tracking, they can always check up on their message and see if anyone has placed any comments on it. I recently sent out one, but there has been no comments yet.

One thing that I don't like about it though, is the ability to retire a message. This means that some prick can sit there all day and just retire them, instead of tossing them back into the ocean. If people write something personal, it should stay there!!!

If you wanna check it out yourself, just go down to the sidebar and click on Oceangram!

I know that you read this, and I know that you've always said why I never do a post about you, well now I'm going to!

If you haven't figured it out yet, this blog post is all going to be about my mum! Not your mum, but mine!

My mum is the unsung hero of our family. She does everything and anything imaginable. From cooking to cleaning, she does it all. She works her arse off at work, and yet still manages to find the time to organise everyone! I know how she manages to find the time, its because she doesn't spend anytime on herself. Whenever she does something, she always puts us in front of her, and makes sure we have everything before she gets things for herself.

At times, I know she must think that I don't love her, but I do. There isn't anyone out there who would come close to her. She is always there for me, always have been, and hopefully always will be. Whenever I need to shoulder to cry on, or a good bitch, I can always go to her.

Everyone says celebrities or sport stars are their heroes, but in my case it would be my mum*. She has been through so much in her life, and I admire that she was able to get through it all. If I turn out to be at least half as good a person as she is, then I'll be extremely happy.

So there you go, you finally got a post all about you :P


*How corny can you get? But its true!


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