Ok, so as most of you know, I'm a pessimistic bitch! That's right, nothing is happy, smiley, and rainbowy in my world... Instead, I live in a world of dark shadows, evilness and black holes! So living in this world has made me grow to hate things... And what better way to list them, then on here??


  • White guys who think they are black... Now I'm not racist, its just that "home boys" really piss me off!! No matter how many times someone can say the word "yo" in a sentence, it doesn't change their skin colour! Also, just because you can see your boxers, also doesn't change your ethnicity, you'll always be a skinny white arse!
  • Early morning packed trains!... Squeezing myself onto the 7:06 every morning isn't that fun!!! Being in a sardine train, trying to read my book!!! And then having people who obviously aren't morning people, being all bitchy and whatever!
  • Fortnightly Pay... Blowing all my pay on the weekend after pay, and having to last out the rest of the fortnight! It sucks!
Shit, there are many other things, but to tell you the honest truth I really can't be bothered for now...

So I'll finish it another day, sorry, but blah!

Till next time,



  1. Anonymous said...
    yeah Adam, It's Tim posting a comment on your blog. I hope you post one on mine, sorry you would need to register to do that... anyway it's been nice getting to know you through your blog and online...

    I find those things annoying too by the way... hehe

    have fun boy, seeya, timmy
    Anonymous said...
    Adam you whinge too much! If you have such a problem with the train! Drive your ass to work! Its your choice, deal with it! your not the only person that has to get to work in the city! What do you expect people to do? Oh Adam is on the train lets all make room for him so he can read his book! Look here mister these people have been working in the city longer than you, catching the train everyday! You obviously have not considered you are on there train! Taking up there space! It works both ways! If you have such a problem catch an earlier train! And blowing your pay the weekend you get it is a massive sign of immaturity you obviously dont know how to budget and look after money! Otherwise look forward to the next blog!
    Anonymous said...
    whoever wrote that blog about! adam is so messed up! Adam is the most awesome person in the world! and people wh\\should make room for him on the train and less room for ppl like u mr anonymous!!!!!

    Remove ur head from ur rectum! and then make comments about others!

    love always Dean!
    Anonymous said...
    tsk tsk Dean.... sticking up for someone like they are your best friend and you have known them for how many weeks? I heard you were the nice one, maybe that's not the case after all. I'll watch the blog and your gaydar to see if the friendship stands the test of time. ciao bello!
    Anonymous said...
    was that SkankyJO or SkankyHO?

    I think your life is summed up by one very line in your own blog (of sorts)...

    - watched neighbours and h&a
    Anonymous said...
    Gee I dunno... why do all the young gay guys of this world think they are so wise and worldly... do you attain this from the constant companionship and security that the gay clubs offer?
    Anonymous said...
    whats the matter mister anonymous got nothing better to do then put other ppl down.

    adam doesnt are wat u think, and if u want to play mind games, try gettin some brains first

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Mr Anonymous
    whats your definition of whinging and bitching
    i would say complainin about someone

    now... if adam wants to whinge about someone he can

    but dont put him down for it cos its exactly wat you are doin


    lots of love!!!

Leave your own Bitchy Remark!


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