Everyone has to make some pretty big decisions in their life. These reflect on the type of person that we are, and where we want to go in life. Have you ever felt like everything was going fine, and then all of a sudden it all becomes fuzzy? You lose track of that clear path that you were traveling on, and feel like you are just walking through thick fog.

I thought that all the choices that I've made up until now were quite good. I thought my path, albeit a bit long, was clear. I knew what I wanted to know, and I thought I was on the track to get there. Now its feels like the mother of all fog has decided to just follow me around all day and rain on my parade.

I just wish that I could start all over again. Go back in time and change a couple of decisions that I made. Why can't we just have the option of starting again? Starting afresh. I think all the consequences from my choices are just hitting me now, rather than being affected by them when they happened. Like they've all snowballed together and have decided to hit me now.

Sadly I feel like I'm going nowhere, that the fog is just growing darker and darker, and there is no calm blue sky on the horizon.


  1. Welcome to Creepy Lamingtons: home to a mix of strange stories and articles that hopefully won't leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. said...
    I think everybody feels like that at times. I know I have(happily not recently). Here's three things I truly believe help.
    1. Chocolate.
    2. Gym.
    3. Time.

    Seriously it's kinda cliched, but sometimes things you think are bad at the time, work out for the best. Like the person who gets fired who then discovers a new career they enjoy much more.

    Sorry I'm getting long-winded but I love this story: A boy gets a bike for his birthday. "That's great!" everyone says. "We'll see," says the wise man. Then the kid crashes the bike and breaks his leg. "That's terrible," everyone says. "We'll see," says the wise man. War then breaks out and all the young kids are conscripted - but not the young boy because of his broken leg. 'What a great thing!" everyone says. "We'll see,' says the wise man.

    The point is, you can never know what's to come. You may think everything seems to be going wrong now but wait and see. You never know when things could change for the best.
    Anonymous said...
    They tell me the fog lifts eventually. But as it gets darker and darker, you begin to forget how it was before, and thus how it could be again. I guess we just have to hold on as long as we can and hope it lifts before its too late.
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    Unknown said...
    yes i know this feeling :( http://tubahussain.blogspot.com/
    abo-bder said...

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