... confusion of reality and fantasy!

Call me a sadist, or someone who can't dream, but it is really beginning to annoy me how some gay movies are just so fake and unrealistic.

For starters, the actors are usually always bad, the story lines are worse, and the overall quality of them suck. They always consist of a full on sex scene, which I only think perpetuates the fact that with gay guys the only thing they really want is sex, and are incapable of having a serious relationship. And the L word is usually said at the beginning of the relationship.

It makes me think. Why do gay relationships always start off so fast that they are practically married after a week, and why is sex such a major impact on them? You rarely see straight love stories, where the couple have had sex the first night, and then the next day they are planning to move in together, and are taking one another to meet the parents. Are they only portraying gay relationships like this because thats the way they really are?

Every relationship, straight or gay, has the honeymoon period at the start. Everything is perfect, you love the other person so much, and then after a while you just get used to it. If its the right person than everything that seems to fall into place, if not then you start to find things wrong with them. Then those things are just magnified until you can't do it anymore and you leave. Well I think thats what happens to me.

Maybe I'm just annoyed that even movies feel the need to make sure that a gay love story and a straight love story be completely different. Shouldn't they be portrayed the same, or am I living in some sort of fantasy world, distancing myself from the reality of what a gay relationship really is.

Maybe thats why I'm still single, I'm waiting for a love story to happen like 'Serendipity', but maybe that only happens to straight people.

Yes I'm a drunk.
Pictures from my sister's 21st.
Ignore the date on same, they are from my sister's camera, which for some reason thought we were in 2005, but we really were in the 80s :P

Today has been spent preparing for the party that is going to happen tonight. Over 5 hours of non-stop 80s music is lined up, with heaps of alcohol and food. So it should be a fun night. Now just counting down the hours till I can start drinking. Whats a respectable time to start consuming shit loads of booze?

Work has been pretty interesting, I move to a new store on Friday, completely brand new, being built as we speak, and in three months if all goes to plan, then I'll be moving up the retail ladder. Very exciting indeed. I do have to drive a bit, and I'm gonna miss the girls I'm working with at the moment, but I need to make some sacrifices if I wanna move up.

Had a couple of more sleepless nights, this time over something different, but as usual I'm not ready to talk about that stuff on here.

Anyway, I gotta go...

Hmmm... Midday can't be too early :P

Disclaimer: Video contains short shorts, leggings and headband. Also keep in mind that this is a costume, not my everyday wear... I'm not THAT gay...

Also keep in mind the shorts were bought to match my sister's top, and thats the only reason why I'm getting so into it, for my sister!

Me in prep. I had just been run over by a group of kids on bicycles. I had totally forget about it until I saw the photo.

I've shown a couple of people this photo, and they can't believe how much I've changed. I don't think I've changed that much. Well apart from the fact that I'm older. Still, whenever I look in the mirror, I still don't see an adult staring back at me, but still some young kid. Makes me wonder if people perceive me like that too?

Sad thing is, when I look at this photo, it makes me only wanna go back to being this young kid again, and to not have to worry about anything, except for a group of kids on bikes.


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