An 18th Dress Up Party - Come as a Musical Character
Why else would I be wearing short shorts, pink stockings and eyeliner Only could mean that it was dress up party. If you were wondering what I'm dressed up as, I'm a bohemian from 'We Will Rock You!'.
It was a good night. I had a lot of fun dressing up, as I hadn't done that for awhile, and it was good to be a bit creative for once. My costumer was created in the last hour before the party. As per usual, I left it to the last minute, but I was pretty happy with the end result.
One bad thing about the night, was that I ended up in the spa, and I know some people have some photos, so slightly scared that that might come back to haunt me.

New Years Eve 07/08
Spent it with the girls, which is something I hadn't done for a couple of years. It was my first New Years since coming out to everyone that I hadn't spent it in a fag club. Kinda glad that I didn't end up there.
Started off with a quiet dinner at Becs, I baked a cake which I was quite proud of, even though the icing on it was a tad bit impromptu, but I still thought it tasted nice. Who know that something good could come out of something wrong happening. Semi impressed by my cooking abilities.
I was already drunk on the train ride there, so that was a lot of fun. A bit squished to get St Kilda on public transport, but once we got there I couldn't be happier we were there. It wasn't too packed and it was filled with some pretty cool people.
The night was full of heaps of shots and too much alcohol. With some people being kicked out and vomiting on the side of the street. Quite note, it wasn't me!
Also exciting at the promise that was made, so lets see how the next twelve months go.

They can't be any worse than the last twelve.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    ahem! thanks for not naming names....

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