So it's been a while since my last post, and I apologise... Been a little busy lately, and the computer is playing up at home at the moment, so that's not a lot of fun.

Heaps of have been happening lately, not that I can go through much, because I think of too many things to blog at once, and by the time I sort out what I'm going to write, I either forget or can't be bothered. So I'll highlight quickly what has happened and what's happening...

  • Job is going well, still settling in, but its all good :D
  • Turned 21 + 1 on Tuesday, feeling a little bit old
  • Been drinking maybe a bit too much lately, although I'm surprised at how much I drank last week and how little of a hangover I had
  • UV party on Saturday should be fun
  • Been scared out of my life on the last two Wednesday cruising with the girls after Parma night :S

I'll try and blog some more during the week, so keep coming back to see if there is any :D

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Mmmmmmmmmm, parma....


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