Just thought I'd update everyone on some recent news with AdamMac. He has a new phone, yeppo, a brand spanking new Nokia 6280! Its awesome, it has everything a boy could ever want and then some... Ranging from 2 MegaPixel camera, to awesome slidey thingy, the Nokia 6280 is the complete package! Hey, maybe I should go into advertising... And another thing, be prepared for a post with a difference soon...

This week has also been my alcoholic week for the last couple of months. What I like to do, just to keep my body on its toes, is to have a couple of months of not a lot of drinking, and then just go to town for a full week. Well, in this case its only been three days, but still, that's more than 1, more than 2 even :P And I don't want you all out there thinking that I've got some sort of calendar marked with the days I have to drink, because I don't. The main reason why I drank this week is because I had an RnR, function for work, on Wednesday and I wanted to build up a kind of resistance to alcohol, seeing that at the function its free booze :P

So Monday night, I was down at the Prince, which consisted of $1.50 pots!! Now, this place was packed, but I didn't know anyone else there, well except for the guy that I went with, but I just felt out of place... Maybe if I went there with a massive group of people, it would be cool?? Suppose there is only one way to find out!!

Tuesday night was spent at a work mate's place, drinking some red that had been in my cupboard and needed to be drank. That was a fun night, which didn't finish till the wee hours of the morning, and I surprisingly didn't have to suffer the consequences on Wednesday, i.e. massive hangover!!!

Wednesday night, as I mentioned early, was the RnR. I'm just gonna say some key points that I remember from the night:

  • Sumo suits, and me winning both times against Kelly
  • Playing DDR and winning, against Kelly
  • Playing the running tied to a wall to see how far you can go before bouncing back game
  • Drinking disgusting white, so having to move onto beer
  • Playing an inflatable guitar on stage to Kylie Minogue, waiting for the guitar solo
  • Getting a tattoo, ok so not a real one, but a good temp one
  • Drunken phone call to Sue asking how to Step, ball change and then trying to do it at the tram stop, followed by a couple of slides, and fan kicks.

That pretty much sums up the last week, well since Monday anyway...

As I said at the start, something exciting, hopefully, should be happening very soon on here, so you'll have stay tuned, hopefully by tonight or tomorrow morning!

Looking for an A.A. sign up sheet

Ok, so maybe its been a tad bit too long since my last post. Like over a week!! I feel like its been like a year since my last post! Like I think of things to post about, but then I just forget them when I have to post. And then when I remember them, I just can't get motivated to do a post about them, and try to do something funny!!

A couple of interesting things have happened to me, had the musical, had a Face2Face thing where I met customers, gotten drunk a couple of times, all fun times! But really nothing that has struck me as needing to do a post!

I'll try and think of some things to write about, but just can't be bothered at the moment!

Till then, I'll be on MySpace, damn you and you addictivenes!!!


Ok, I didn't want to do it, I was trying to fight the urges and the temptations, but couldn't resist, I've done it... Now the owner of a MySpace! Yes I know, just like my iPod buy, its just another way of me conforming to the masses, but who really cares :P

I didn't really know what it was all about when I first signed up for it, I think the thing that made me do it was because I was so annoyed at getting those emails saying "So and So wants you to join to MySpace". So, I eventually gave in and did it.

At first I was afraid, I was petrified, ok so I promise I won't do that again, sorry couldn't resist :P, but after using it I'm kinda liking it. Found a couple of people that I haven't spoken to in like FOREVER! Like people who I went to school with, and seeing that I finished Year 12 three years ago, OMG! I so didn't want to write that, do you know who old I feel now :(

Another great thing on the site is the ability to search for people, and add them as a friend! I feel quite happy that Gretel Killeen and Pink are my friends, ok so maybe its not them, but I don't care, I still feel special!! I still want more friends though, so if you have one, add me!! That way it says we are friends, and like yeah :P

I suppose that if you are going to add me, you should know what the site is...

Now I know that there is an option for a blog there, and it would be so much easier to have everything together, but stress less as I'm still gonna be keeping my blog here, well for now at least.
There's a party at MySpace and your all invited!


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