How much can we predict of the future??? How much can someone plan for the future?? Is there a way to plan for it, or do you just sit back and wait for it to happen??

You can't predict the future, you don't know what is going to happen down the path, lets say in 10, 15 years. There is no crystal ball that will let us know what can happen... There may be things that can guide us, but nothing to allow us to see into the future so that we can prevent things from happening. Who knows, one day you may be walking along the street and you could be hit by a bus, truck, taxi driver...


One single word can mean the end of everything. It stops everything. It can cause so much emotion. Just five simple letters. Even when people talk about Death, they can't help but feeling somewhat more serious, and trying to not muck around with the topic. I'm sure you're reading this, and already taken a serious approach to the post.

Why would I wanna talk about Death?? The main reason, a family member of mine has recently passed away. I got the news outside of Diva, what a place to get a type of phone call. The phone call came from my mum, and I answered, "What do you want?". My typical response! How was I to know that the next couple of minutes could be so serious? I thought it was a friendly call from my mum, nothing serious. Nothing serious like Death. The phone call ended, and I was in shock, I didn't know what to do or what to say. I walked back into Diva, saw my friends, said goodbye and left. Never did I ever think I would leave Diva with tears in my eyes, but its now happened. I have to thank Jay, who drove me home, thank you so much, you truly are a great friend.

I can't really think of anything else to write.


  1. ~shan said...
    im sorry for your loss AdamMac
    Anonymous said...
    Memory is the precious gift that keeps us ever near
    To those who live within our hearts when they're no longer here.
    Cherish the memories Adam. Love.XX

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