So I'm a bitch! I knew this already, and I think a lot of people that I know, should know this already...

I don't mean to be a bitch to everyone, its just something that has happened, more frequently as of late, I may add... It is true that there are people out there that I don't like, and it is those people that bring out the bitch in me! But sometimes, after it has been released, there isn't a lot I can do to stop it from hurting other people, I know this as I have hurt a couple of people that I don't mean to!!!

To them I say sorry, to the others, I don't care what you think of it... I have a way of getting over things/people, and if being a bitch is one of them, thats what I'll continue to do!


Adam Mac

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Hey Courage you know who this is as u posted your "Bitch Fest" on my birthday so thats the reason why am replying.I dont think u are a bitch at all i think u have a personality sometimes that people other than me can interperet wrong - as i also have a sarcey sense of humour!To those who know you you are funny(sometimes)loyal to your friends and down to earth guy.As i have learnt in the past true friends stick by you and dont judge u!In good and bad times so the rest who pre judge deserve to get the Bitchey Treatment if they reap what they sow!peace out Wigga

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