Everybody's waiting for something, or someone... Everyone is... You can't deny... I'm sitting here at work waiting, checking that phone every couple of seconds, thinking that it could happen right now or maybe its happened already and i missed it??

Tick, Tock. Each second that goes past the anticipation rises, and when the phone goes, your heart beat increases and you think that its it, a flicker of the screen makes your heart skip a beat, because you think that finally its happened, but then you're left for the next couple of minutes waiting for the aderlian to go down when you realise it was someone else!!!

When it is going to happen, it is really irratiting, the next phone call/message could basically change my life in a matter of seconds. Scary thought, but its true...

So I sit here waiting, just like everyone, waiting for the next big thing to happen...

How much longer will I have to wait??


  1. Anonymous said...
    Approximately 40 years - then you can retire and still not have it. Waiting gets you nowhere. If you want something, chase it now before it eludes you forever.
    Anonymous said...
    Aaaah, if that's the case, I'm afraid you'll have to let it go and chase something else. Starcrossed...not meant to be.
    AdamMac said...
    OK, I'm not depressingly waiting for someone to call me who i love, so you can all stress less about me turning romantic!! Its not gonna happen, my heart was ripped out many many moons ago!!!
    The thing that I was waiting for, has happened and am now in the process of finalizing it, and then... Let's just say, I'll be a brand new Adam Mac!
    AdamMac said...
    Skanky Jo, has half hit the nail on the head!!! Moving and some other things that to happen before i do move out!!!

    But moving out seems quite closer to reality now!!!

    AdamMac said...
    Well LouLou,

    Hopefully on my own, I don't think that I could actually live with someone!!!

    Went to the bank this morning and signed everything for some extra cash, now all I need is the place!!!

    Further details coming soon.
    AdamMac said...
    I'm in the process of moving, who ever thought it was gonna be this annoying, from decieving pictures on the internet, to good places going too quickly!! Damn you quick people!! But stress less, we will find something soon...

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