Hello reader, I wanna play a game. The rules are simple...

I have a new favourite movie(s) of all time. SAW and SAW II.

I have fallen in love. Usually I don't go for the horror movies, but this one I'll have to make an exception for!!! Such a brilliant story line, unbelievable twists, and something new happening all the time, what more could you want???

I can safely say that the sequel was better than the original, a hard task for any film writer to do, but they have done it. I was watching an interview with the writer, and he was talking about the new movie. Basically he was saying that at the end of the first movie, he had to make a choice. Would he do the traditional Bond villian speech or leave it out?? As you would probably have guessed, if you've seen the movie, he leaves it out, and makes Saw II, which he saw as a full length movie dedicated to the villian speech...

The movie very similar to the first one, and it would be better if you saw the first one, as you'd have a general idea of who "Jigsaw" is, and you'd know what he is all about. If you haven't seen the first movie, you'll probably miss some of the shock value of the second movie, as the movies intertwine, but I won't go into anymore details, I don't wanna spoil it for anyone!

This is what http://www.villagecinemas.com.au/movie/movie_14873.htm have to say about the movie...

"Hello, Michael. I want to play a game…"
Jigsaw is back. The brilliant, disturbed mastermind who wreaked bloody havoc on his victims in last year’s Saw,
is back for another round of horrifying life-or-death games.
When a new murder victim is discovered with all the signs of Jigsaw’s handiwork, Detective Eric Mathews (Donnie Wahlberg) begins a full investigation and apprehends Jigsaw
with little effort.
But for Jigsaw, getting caught is just another part of his nefarious plan. Eight more of his victims are already fighting for their
lives - and now it’s time for Mathews to join the game…

Its an awesome movie, 5 million stars out of 10, so check it out... You can have a quick look at their website too... http://www.saw2.com/


  1. Anonymous said...
    You are very strange
    AdamMac said...
    OMG!!! I'm seeing Harry tonight!!!! So excitement!!!

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